Wayne Holzgerlinger Str. 27 71155 Altdorf (Germany) fon: +49 (0) 70 31-63 18 70 mobil: +49 (0)1 72 - 710 80 97 fax: +49 (0) 70 31 - 63 18 71 Email: |
St.-Nr.: 56243/38253 |
We have put links to other sides at our sides on the Internet. Applies to all these links, that we have no influence on the design and the contents of the conned sides. Therefore we particularly hereby dissociate ourselves from all contents of all conneted sides to our Internet presence and don't make us these contents too own. This explanation applies to all links shown on our Internet presence and to all contents of the sides to which the banners registered with us and links lead. |